The Origin of Beer
Beer was discovered by accident some 6,000 years ago by the ancient Sumerian people in what is now Iraq. They cultivated crops like wheat, emmer and barley which they turn into dough to make bread. A story goes that one forgetful baker left some dough in a bowl of water. Left to ferment in the open, the drink was subsequently turned into alcohol (the air converted the starches into sugars and then alcohol). When he drank it he experienced that euphoric and uplifting sensation. The farmer then organised the first beer party in history, which sparked the proliferation of the brewing industry.
Beer & Their Most…
The world oldest still-operating brewery: was founded in Germany in 1040 AD.
The highest consumption rate per capita: Czech Republic follow by Ireland and Germany.
The alcohol content of the world’s strongest beer: Samuel Adam’s Uopias (has 25% alcohol content)
The most expensive beer: US$4,910 (S$7,725) for the first bottle off the production line of Sam Adam’s Millennium Beer
Beer & Their Right Glass
Newcastle Brown Ale – Tulip glass
BelleVue Kriek(Fruit Beers) – Stange
Cascade Light (Light Lager) – Half-pint Glass
Brewerkz (Wheat Beer) – Weizen Glass
Guiness (Stout) – Brandy Glass
Heineken (Lager) – Pint Glass
Pilsner Urquell(Czech Lager) – Pilsner Glass
Beer Talk & Their Phrases
Rule of the Thumb
– When primitive brewers needed to find out the temperature of the brew before adding yeast, they stuck their thumb n to gauge how hot it was
Mind your Ps & Qs
– When beer was still in pint and quart containers the bar keeper keep a tab on how much Ps & Qs were consumed so people could be aware of how much they drank and control their intake and expenditure
Cock & Bull Story
– This comes from and English town in Stratford where there are two pubs called The Cock and The Bull. The saying goes when a story started in The Cock it would have been twisted by the time it fot to The Bull.
– It started in ancient Babylon where the father-in-law would give as much honey beer as his son-in-law wanted for the first month of marriage
One for the Road
– It started in ancient time when the final drink that was given to the condemned prisoners before they were headed off to their public execution
Scot Free
– When in olden days, the state used to mark pub bills was called a scot. You got off Scot Free meant that you don’t have to pay for your drinks.
Drinking Beer For their
The ideal for females is 20g a day and for males is 40g a day. It has vitamin A,D,E,K and B Complex. Beer can lower blood pressure, reduce strokes and heart attack. And it is good for distressing when you go for a drink of beer to chill out after work with your buddies. Moreover it has lower alcohol content than wine. For example, Singha Beer has 6%, Chang 6.4%, & Tiger 5%. You don’t get “Beer Belly” from drinking but from snacking when you drink beer.
Good beer are usually:
-visually bright and has golden appearance with consistent colour throughout and rich in froth.
-smell fruity, fresh, sweet or bitter
-and they never taste sour.
Swirl the beer around the mouth while taking a small breadth of air but never spit it out like wine tasting.
Our beer
Which art in Barrels
Hallowed by the drink
They will be drunk
I will be drunk
At Home as it is in the local
Forgive us this day
Daily Spillage
As we forgive those who
Spillest against us
And lead us not into
Practice of poncey wine tasting
And deliver us from alcopops
For mine is the bitter
The ale and the lager
Forever and ever