The Origin of Coffee
The word “Coffee” comes from the Latin name of genus ‘Coffea’ and originated in Ethopia. It was believed that adding sugar coffee may have been started by French monarch King LouisXIV. Ludwig van Beethoven, the famous musician that was reputed to have always counted 60 coffee beans for each cup he brewed. Chocolate was first added to coffee by the Europeans in 1600s. Iced coffee in a can has been popular in Japan since 1945. In Japan, the official Coffee Day falls on Oct 1st.
An average cup of coffee contains more than 1000 different chemical components, none of which is tasted in isolation but only as part of the overall flavor. Approximately 4000 Arabica beans are used to make one pound of roasted coffee.
A coffee tree has a lifespan of about 50 to 70 years. It takes 5 years for a coffee tree to produce its first crop after the coffee seed is planted.
Dark roasted coffees actually have less caffeine. Coffee beas are generally roasted between 400F and 425F. It is the most popular beverage worldwide with over 400 billion cups consumed each year. Coffee is grown commercially in over 45 countries throughout the world. Kopi Luwak (the world’s most expensive coffee are harvested from partially digested beans from the Asian Palm Civet that gorge on ripe coffee berries.
Deja Brew Names
Qahwa (Arabic Countries), Sourj (Armenian) , Masbout (Egypt) Buna (Ethopia), Kahvi (Finland), Kaffee (Denmark, German & Norway), Koffie (Holland), Kave (Hungary), Gehve (Iran), Koohii (Japan), Kalawa (Kenya), Kawa (Poland), Kafe (Spain) & etc...
Drinking Coffee for their Health Benefits:
Drinking more that one cups of coffee a day may help to:
Lower the risk of getting cancer by over 40%,
Reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.
Reduce muscle soreness and improve stamina (Good for avid athletes)
Helps to counter sleepiness
Treat asthma in Scotland since 1859.
(It does not cause osteoporosis)
Benefits & Disadvantage of drinking Coffee
Beneficial if less than 3 cups of coffee a day
Stamina Booster (It can boost physical performance).
Besides that it also boosts mental function and alertness and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. (making us more agreeable)
Lower diabetes risk (it protects against type II diabetes)
It fights cellulite & can help to fight pain.
It can reduce the risk of asthma attacks and treat allergies
It may protect against liver disease. (Decrease the alcohol-related cirrhosis)
Not beneficial if more than 3 cups a day. It can cause:
Heart: abnormal heart rhythms (cardiovascular disease), increase blood pressure
Head: restlessness, mood swing, nausea, anxiety, hyperventilation, panic attacks, migraines, depression, sleeplessness, headaches, vertigo and muscle tremor
Stomach: irritate the stomach, constipation, cause peptic ulcers (or cancer), stomach cramps, diarrhea, premenstrual bloating, gastrointestinal distress, miscarriage and low birth weights
Bone: osteoporosis,
Avoid taking caffeine if you are on antibiotics or anti-anxiety meds.
Current evidence suggests that a moderate regular consumption (300mg daily) of caffeine does not adversely affect heat. However, pregnant women should drink less.
The following are guideline depending on the the product or method of preparation:
Painkiller/flu table 30-65 mg
1 Vivarin caffeine pill 200 mg
1 Hershey’s Kiss 1 mg
Milk chocolate bar(50g) 15 mg
Dark Chocolate Bar (50g) 40 mg
Filter/espresso coffee 100-150 mg
Instant Coffee 60-80mg
8 oz coffee 135 mg
16 oz coffee 135 mg
16 oz Starbuck Coffee Grande 259 mg
Can of “energy drink upto 80 mg
12 oz Snapple Iced Tea 31.5 mg
Can of cola 40 mg
12 oz Dr Pepper 41 mg
12 oz. Mountain Dew 55 mg
8.5 oz Red Bull 80 mg
16 oz Full Throttle energy Drink 144 mg
16 oz RockStar energy drink 160 mg
24 oz BooKoo energy drink 360mg