Jan 9, 2008

Blood Type Diet

Eat according to your blood type:

Type O Blood
Around 40,000 BC, our first human ancestors began hunting and gathering, existing mainly on meat. On a mostly carnivorous diet, they evolved to have high stomach-acid content, which enabled them to efficiently digest meat protein. Type O women today still harbor the DNA that enables them to thrive on meat.

Best Dietary Staples:

Eating a low-carb, meat-rich diet will help stablize weight for women with type O blood;
while avoiding wheat will prevent allergy like reaction that slows thyroid function in type O women.

Type A Blood
The Neolithic Period between 25,000 and 15,000 BC saw an increase in population and game grew scarce. People began forming large communities and cultivating crops. As their blood type evolved to adapt to this dietary change, their bodies produced fewer meat-digesting acids and enzymes and more grain- and plant-digesting enzymes. Type A antigens also allowed for a stronger immune system to protect the people who lived in groups.
Best Dietary Staples:
Type A women thrive on grains, beans, vegetables, fruit and soy, with limited amounts of fish and fowl.
And avoiding red meat helps prevent allergylike food reactions with type A antigens.

Type B Blood
Somewhere around 10,000 BC, tribes began migrating north to colder inland territories due to climate changes and growing population. These nomads became dependent on domesticating animals. In response, their DNA evolved to produce more meat- and dairy-digesting enzymes while reducing levels of the digestive enzymes needed for grains, soy and other foods that were less available in this new habitat.
Best Dietary Staples:
Type B women thrive on the flexible eating plan of their nomadic ancestor: Meat, fish, dairy, fruits and veggies,
with limited amounts of grains, brans and soy. But avoid wheat and corn which were rarely available in nomadic tribes.

Type AB Blood
Blood type AB is the most recently blood group which emerged around 12,000 years ago as communities spread and type As and Bs (who were originally geographically isolated) intermingled and reproduced. "As a result, AB is the most complex blood type since it harbors both A and B antigens," explains Dr. D'Adamo.
Best Dietary Staples:
Type AB women should utilize the best of the type A and type B eating plans. This calls for a healthy mix of fish, soy, some meat and dairy, fruits, vegetables, lentils and peanuts.

WINE 101

Singaporeans adore good food and wines and are happy to pay ay price that they can afford. Life is too short to drink bad wine and eat bad food. Wine types encompass sparkling wine, whites, red, sweet wines and many more. For a larger collection, a wine fridge is de rigeur where you can keep the wine at 12 degrees Celsius and 75 percent humidity. If you’re a wealthy wine connoisseur, you can build your own wine cellar and have them double up as bomb shelter.

White vs Red:
Although red is perceived as having health benefits and is trendier, more people are moving beyond the traditionally popular red to white. Whine white such as ‘cult’ wines like Cloudy Bay from New Zealand are being consumed more here.

Countries of origin:
While Australian and French wines still rule, wines from other countries are giving them a run for their money. Top contenders are Chile, South Africa and New Zealand. For a small collection, a fridge is best. Wyndam Estate Bin 888 from Australia are usually sold out during CNY in Singapore because of its lucky number. France is popular for high-end premium wines.

Sparkling wines:
Champagne are becoming more widespread. Champagnes like James Bond’s “Bollinger Grand Annee 1997 Champagne” while Italy’s Bistol’s Proseco di Valdobbiadene.

25 - 27 Oct // Wine for Asia 2007 It is Asia's most comprehensive international wine exhibition and Sopexa's first inaugural French Pavilion. Read on... ...

8 - 11 Nov // Bonjour French Fair Come down for another season of food and wine at the Bonjour French Fair! There will even be a Giant Eiffel Tower for you to hang the wish of your choice. Read on to find out more.......

19 - 23 Nov // Alsace meets Asia 2007 The yearly affair with Alsace Wine is once again back from the 19 Nov - 23 Nov 2007 with more events. Read on to find out how you can be a part of it... ...

15 Nov // Beaujolais Nouveau Join us on the 15th of Nov to mark the celebration of "Beaujolais Nouveau"! Look out for promotions available with purchase of the wine at Cold Storage, Isetan and Carrefour. More details will be coming your way so keep a look out... ... More Events >>

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